When things do not feed your spirt.....
Ever done this?........
I know I sure have! Not feeling I had the strength this guy has either....haha.
For what reason would someone do this, if they did not have to or need to? Well,it certainly would end of in making the person stronger. Also might wear one out too and might not come anywhere near close to cleansing nor feeding the spirit.
Of course we feel best when we are feeding our spirit, which also in in the flow. The flow vs the force. Kind of like those salmon swimming upstream, although they do it for a purpose, right before their imminent death, but we don't need to mention that part of this illustration now do we?
Feeding our spirit involves being in flow and flux and being willing to go as life goes, not forcing something else. Force tends to crush our spirit.
So, being willing to "roll with it" and go where life goes. Being willing to give up things that no longer serve our lives, letting go of them, wishing them well, not hanging to what was not working, all that is gone for some reason.
All of our lives are made up of little trails. Sometimes the trails change, umm.... they always change, and some are a bit more strenous and some easier, all part of life. We are on some trails for a long while and some for shorter, yet they all get us where we want to go. If we get on a trail that does not work, recognizing it and taking another trail that is wide open may be the better choice.
Some peope are on our trail with us for a bit and then they go. Others walk with us for a bit and they might stay. It is all part of the journey of life. Letting go of "what was" opens us to "whats next"? You know "the one door closes, another window open" thing.
Feeding and cleansing our spirit always means redefining ourselves, transition, transformation and growth, otherwise one is in stagnation and frustration and our spirit is clogged and stopped. THAT FEELS AWFUL now doesn't it?? YES!
So, you choose, flow vs force, hanging on or letting go, pushing or letting it be, it is all up to you. You choose but whatever you choose it will show up in your spirit! Is it cleansing, refreshing, joyful? Or is it a drudgery, drag? You choose.
Love from my trail loving heART to yours! Muah! Bette Bliss
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