
Tuesday, September 11, 2012


Our bodies are in trouble! If you don't think so, go sit in a mall or at a state fair and look around. Are our bodies in deep doo-doo or what?

Cancer is more rampant than ever, obesity is too! Medicine is big business and people are sicker than ever before.

In today's world, we are inundated from every side, assaulted with toxins, chemicals, pesticides, fumes, and this is before we even eat. Yes, our food is, in the case of a lot of American plates, not even food but a chemicalized glob of goop.  

My point here is simply to cry out "HELP" as most people need help to lighten the body burden, to clean out the pipes and drains and refresh the organs.

Here is a list for starters:

Put nothing on your body that you would not eat.
Drink clean, no chlorine or flouridated water.
Use only products in your home that are eco friendly, natural, green and that you could eat (vinegar, baking soda, etc).
Yes, eat organic and fresh food.
Breathe clean air with open windows, day and night.

What if you have this body burden and you want to be free of it.
I will be happy to support you in lifting this body burden by outlining a cleansing program designed especially for you and your unique needs.

Together we will take step by step action to help you reach your goals for optimum health and wellness.

As the author of Superfood Hd and JuiceIt Hd as well as a highly trained health coach, I bring you a wealth of resources and tool for transforming your body and your life.
Are you sick of it?

I am here for you. Contact me today for a free consultation to see what it will be like to have one on one support, just for you!
Here is my website:


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