
Friday, March 3, 2017


Often in life, we tend to see things as one thing or one way. We have been raised a certain way, taught things that were our parents(or others) way of thinking, given the ways that "life is". "Thats just the way it is" they say!

What do you see here...a young lady or old? Things are rarely what they might appear at first glance! (someone will see the old lady and give you a clue!)

Is is really exactly the way "they" say it is?

I am talking about LOVE here, more specifically..(yes we are on that subject again). HOW is love, really?

Is LOVE just one thing or is it everything? Is it smooching and hugging or is it in those who might speak unkindly to us? Is it in certain places or is it everywhere? Is it in only the good stuff or in the rough stuff too? Is it only in color or is it truly black and white..either it is LOVE or it is not!?

For many, this has been a prison of limited thinking and has kept them small, in a tight box, cramped and not open to miracles that are everywhere.

What if LOVE is:

in the person who walked away?

in the job we lost?

in the stress we experience?

in the flu one has?

in the thunderstorm?

in the house we had to move out of?

in the (in your face) realization of something we need to work hard to change about ourselves?

Ummmm.....what if? No what ifs....LOVE is in all those things.

Why? How? ...you might ask!!!!????

The person who walked away no longer was good for you, nor you for them. They set you free. Was it loving? Probably not! Was it love? yep!

The job you lost was not for you anymore, it didnt serve you well and it was time for a new adventure. Love? Yep. Even if you loved it, love is on its way again.

The stress we experience? Love? Yes! It is our body's loving way of asking us to slow down, live life in a new way, seeing things differently. There will always be things to test our mettle. The experience of stress is a loving message from our body, an alarm that is going off! Love..yesireeee.

The flu..stop, drop and roll....lay down, rest, and look at your body and see what you can lovingly provide it to heal itself. Love, yes that is love.

On it goes...you get the point...(or not..teehee)

It is not the love in the thing, it is BRINGING love TO the thing!!

Does LOVE look like one thing or is it everywhere and in everything?

It is everywhere and in everything.....just putting it in a whole new picture frame changes the way you look at LOVE.

Of course, we soooo LOVE the parts that already are in the LOVE picture frames and look like LOVE! Ah-ha!!! those are the ones that give us the energy to do all that reframing work!

Love from my heART full of LOVE to your heART full of LOVE! M-u-a-h!!!

Bette Bliss


What you got in that bag?

 Did you know that just looking in your bag, your pantry, your closet, under your sink, that I can tell you how big your body burden is?

Yes. By the products you put on your skin, eat, use on your clothes, and your cleaning products alone, I can see a large part of your body burden (how toxic it is).

Remember that embalming fluid you have heard about-formaldehyde? This is a toxic gas found in carpets and furniture, clothing, soaps and shampoos, and even deodorant. It is allowed, although a known carcinogen, to be used on our skin but banned in some countries.

Phthalates hit the headlines last year for being "gender benders". They are a family of industrial plasticisers already banned in the EU from being used in plastic toys, but are still in hairsprays, top-selling perfumes and nail varnishes. They can be absorbed through the skin, inhaled as fumes and ingested from contaminated food or breastfeeding. Animal studies have shown they can damage the liver, kidneys, lungs and reproductive system -especially developing testes.

Parabens are listed as alkyl parahydroxy benzoates -butyll methyl/ethyl/ propyllisobutyl paraben on some toothpastes, moisturisers and deodorants. They are used as a preservative, but are oestrogen mimics. Research suggests that parabens in antiperspirant deodorants can cause breast cancer. Oestrogen-type chemicals have also been linked to testicular cancer and a reduction in sperm count.

Sodium Lauryl Sulphate (SLS) is one of the major ingredients in nearly every shampoo, bubble bath, liquid soap etc. Why, when it is a known skin irritant, stops hair growth, can cause cataracts in adults, damage children's eye development and cause urinary tract infection?

Toluene is a common solvent found in nail enamels, hair gels, hair spray, and perfumes. It is a neurotoxin and can damage the liver, disrupt the endocrine system and cause asthma.

Propylene Glycol is a cosmetic form of mineral oil (refined crude oil) used in industrial antifreeze. People handling it are warned by the manufacturer to avoid skin contact and wear respirators and rubber gloves etc, and yet this is a major ingredient in most moisturisers, skin creams, baby wipes and sun screens. Why? It's cheap and gives the "glide" factor in body lotions - but is in fact robbing lower layers of skin of moisture. Lanolin and collagen also clog pores and cause skin to age faster than if nothing was used.

Talc is recognised as carcinogenic and has been linked to an increased risk of ovarian cancer and general urinary tract disorders. So don't dust it on your baby's, or anyone else's, bottom!

Parfum/perfume A typical cosmetic can contain up to 100 chemicals in the perfume alone! 95 per cent of these chemicals are synthetic compounds derived from petroleum -26 of which are on an EU hit list. Fragrances have been linked to allergies and breathing difficulties and they penetrate the skin.

Xylene is listed as xytol or dimethylbenzene on nail varnish bottles. It can damage your liver, is narcotic in high concentrations and causes skin and respiratory tract irritation.

Diethanolamine Also Tri and Mono (DEA, TEA and MEA) are absorbed through skin where they accumulate in products also containing nitrates, they react and form nitrosamines which are carcigonemic.

Aluminium is found in most deodorants and has been linked to Alzheimer's. If you want to stay alert, and still smell fresh and clean switch to a safer one.

Triclosan sometimes listed as 5-chloro-2 (2,4-dichlorophenoxy) phenol, is in deodorants, toothpastes, vaginal washes and mouthwashes. Toxic dioxins are produced during its manufacture or incineration. It is stored in breast milk and in fish, and can break down in water to create a member of the dioxin family.

Learn more about health here:

Thursday, March 2, 2017

Back in the House


Wow it has been a long time since I posted here. Life seems to take us all the way around the world and back again! No, I didn't go around the world but almost. Not physically so much as mentally and emotionally, growing and changing. Aren't we all forced to every single day? WOWeeee

In the world of health and food, this changes daily too and it is no wonder people wonder what to eat! One day it is good and the next day not.

Let's just eat BERRIES!! Haha! Right? Keeping it simple really does make life easier. Choosing simple but healthy and very tasty options keeps us on the right track while loving our food. Our body loves it too.

We all know by now that simple green smoothies are the way to a healthy body! Imagine making sure you have greens, fruits and maybe some special additions you like, in your fridge all the time.
If you were to have smoothies every day, varying the greens, your health would improve so much!

That is your ditty for today. You can go all the way around the world and back again, but sticking with basic idea keeps you sane, especially when it comes to food!! Nom nom and mangia!

Love, Coach Bette


Tuesday, January 29, 2013


You truly are what you EAT, DRINK, THINK, SAY, and DO!

1) LOVE YOURSELF enough to want better health thus a better life! This is a must for optimum health. Many people have "I'm not good enough" going on. Disappear that and love yourself healthily, knowing you deserve to look and feel your best! Trouble is, most do not even have any idea what their best is, as they have not seen it yet!

2) Eat only whole, plant based foods in their natural state. A raw eating plan floods the body with more nutrition than it can handle and thus creates energy, vitality, glowing skin and amazing health.

3) Drink pure, clean water that flushes and regenerates your cells. Our bodies are made up of a whole lot of water. When you continually replenish water lost and flood the cells with clean water, your body can operate much more efficiently!

4) Exercise every single day! Our bodies are made to move! Every organ and system in our body functions well, due to movement. It is a must for optimum health!

Move it or lose it!

5) Clean up your environment by choosing only products that are eco friendly for cleaning your home or applying to your skin. Think GREEN to lighten the body burden. Any food or product that you breathe in, put on your skin, smell, or taste is part of you. Choose organic whole food, eco friendly products and natural personal care.

Make your own home health as well as cleaning products with essential oils!    https://www.mydoterra.com/bettejshaw/#/

6) Use only natural healing methods for any dis-ease you might be wanting to address. For me, this means FOOD! "Let food be your medicine and medicine be your food". Hippocrates

Anything you do for your health that is not natural to the body, is harmful and will usually NOT promote healing, it just passifys the patient while the body heals itself. Be your own doctor and use natural healing methods.

7) Communicate well with others and nourish relationships.

We are designed to be IN relationship with others and communication is the lifeblood to those relationships.

8) Be conscious of, and meet, your spiritual needs! Knowing there is something way bigger than all of us that is in control of our lives, others lives, and this planet, makes all the difference in our world view, our happiness level and who we are as people. Read God's word daily!

9) Practice kindness and giving to others. It has been noted that when someone practices an act of kindness to another, his or her immune system is built stronger, the one who received the kindess experiences the same benefit as do any who witness such an act. There is greater happiness in giving to others than in receiving!

10) Cultivate healthy thoughts of gratitude each and every day.

Our brains cannot focus on all that is missing and negative in their life if they are in a practice of continual gratitude for all they have in their life, whether they view it as good or bad. Being grateful is powerful stuff!

If you just cannot seem to get where you want to be in your health, I can show you the way!

Love from my heathy heart to yours! Muah, Bette Bliss

Wednesday, September 12, 2012


When things do not feed your spirt.....

Ever done this?........

I know I sure have! Not feeling I had the strength this guy has either....haha.

For what reason would someone do this, if they did not have to or need to? Well,it certainly would end of in making the person stronger. Also might wear one out too and might not come anywhere near close to cleansing nor feeding the spirit.

Of course we feel best when we are feeding our spirit, which also in in the flow. The flow vs the force. Kind of like those salmon swimming upstream, although they do it for a purpose, right before their imminent death, but we don't need to mention that part of this illustration now do we?

Feeding our spirit involves being in flow and flux and being willing to go as life goes, not forcing something else. Force tends to crush our spirit.

So, being willing to "roll with it" and go where life goes. Being willing to give up things that no longer serve our lives, letting go of them, wishing them well, not hanging to what was not working, all that is gone for some reason.

All of our lives are made up of little trails. Sometimes the trails change, umm.... they always change, and some are a bit more strenous and some easier, all part of life. We are on some trails for a long while and some for shorter, yet they all get us where we want to go. If we get on a trail that does not work, recognizing it and taking another trail that is wide open may be the better choice.

Some peope are on our trail with us for a bit and then they go. Others walk with us for a bit and they might stay. It is all part of the journey of life. Letting go of "what was" opens us to "whats next"? You know "the one door closes, another window open" thing.

Feeding and cleansing our spirit always means redefining ourselves, transition, transformation and growth, otherwise one is in stagnation and frustration and our spirit is clogged and stopped. THAT FEELS AWFUL now doesn't it?? YES!

So, you choose, flow vs force, hanging on or letting go, pushing or letting it be, it is all up to you. You choose but whatever you choose it will show up in your spirit! Is it cleansing, refreshing, joyful? Or is it a drudgery, drag? You choose.

Love from my trail loving heART to yours! Muah! Bette Bliss

Tuesday, September 11, 2012


Our bodies are in trouble! If you don't think so, go sit in a mall or at a state fair and look around. Are our bodies in deep doo-doo or what?

Cancer is more rampant than ever, obesity is too! Medicine is big business and people are sicker than ever before.

In today's world, we are inundated from every side, assaulted with toxins, chemicals, pesticides, fumes, and this is before we even eat. Yes, our food is, in the case of a lot of American plates, not even food but a chemicalized glob of goop.  

My point here is simply to cry out "HELP" as most people need help to lighten the body burden, to clean out the pipes and drains and refresh the organs.

Here is a list for starters:

Put nothing on your body that you would not eat.
Drink clean, no chlorine or flouridated water.
Use only products in your home that are eco friendly, natural, green and that you could eat (vinegar, baking soda, etc).
Yes, eat organic and fresh food.
Breathe clean air with open windows, day and night.

What if you have this body burden and you want to be free of it.
I will be happy to support you in lifting this body burden by outlining a cleansing program designed especially for you and your unique needs.

Together we will take step by step action to help you reach your goals for optimum health and wellness.

As the author of Superfood Hd and JuiceIt Hd as well as a highly trained health coach, I bring you a wealth of resources and tool for transforming your body and your life.
Are you sick of it?

I am here for you. Contact me today for a free consultation to see what it will be like to have one on one support, just for you!
Here is my website:


Friday, June 1, 2012


Do you feel out of sync? Like all the wheels and gears are not lining up, running smoothly together, creating forward ecstatic motion? Is your life, your daily activities, all you do, say and ARE BEING lining up in harmony with your values, your desires and all you want out of life?

Meaningful life and feeding one's spirit is an intention, it does not often just happen by itself, without an intention.

Sometimes, many times, getting unstuck is done simply by putting the car in GEAR!

For me, the wheels are set in motion when I shift into first gear. No, no, I did not say when I hit fourth gear and go zero to 60 in 3.2 seconds! ...or get there yesterday (even though that is what we want many times).

Ok, on that point, to get there yesterday, we need to create our today in harmony with what we want, 1/4 mile at a time or more, or less. Then we look back and we got there yesterday...hahaha

Take that step, whatever it is, whatever you have been wanting to do but afraid or did not feel you had the money, time or energy. Take it, leap, do it, just simply do it. Take the step in that direction and see a world open to you.

No, you will not know the WHOLE way, the whole journey and all it will bring, nor the outcome, and it might be scary! Noo worry, as there will be others there to hold your hand, reassurances it will be ok and will all work out. Truth is, you already have ALL YOU NEED to do it, it is all inside you already!

A life, out of integrity to who you are is an unhealthy life. Remember, it is not just about the food (chomp chomp) but about all that feeds us in our life.

Being in alignment with your passion and staying in that integrity is a huge deal...huge.If you are anything like me, I know it immediately but the question for us all is : WHATCHA GONNA DO ABOUT IT????

Love from my leaping heART to yours! Muah! Bette Bliss
